right in front of your eyes.. a pathetic engineer, slogging over the nights in front of his workstation.. writing, correcting, compiling, testing, debugging and fixing code.. thats all that you get to do when you're ill fated to be a kernel developer.. you can either consider this enjoyable, or a curse.. only time will tell what you really think of it, feel about it.. and no one else can, cos, after all, its YOUR mind thats at work n no one else's.. a kernel developer forfeits sleep, food, drinks, pleasures, and at times bathing.. today being one such day.. or rather, tonite.. a kernel dev doesnt give his precious attention to trivial stuff.. (or kernel developers dont smell themselves..) all they smell is code.. and the smell can at times get rotten, and obnoxious - buggy code.. sometimes, you only get to smell that part which has been overcooked/deep-fried/burnt.. coredumps/crashes/asserts.. this was the smell that i was talking about.. but remember, never does the smell ever turn so bad that you ever wanna get out of it.. the smell is kinda intoxicating and addictive.. you'll want more and more and more of it, not realizing its filling you from inside, making you incapable of smelling other smells..
i guess the smell/sight/sound has filled me enough inside so much that i dont feel hungry/thirsty for anything else except occasionally..